Optimizing Pelvic Alignment

Dr. Dani is a Denver Pediatric Chiropractor and is Webster Certified. She has been using this technique for over 10 years!

What is Webster Technique?

Webster Technique is a specific adjusting technique that uses a combination of LIGHT adjusting and bodywork to decrease asymmetry and correct any pelvic imbalances. Dr. Dani is a Webster Certified Chiropractor and aims to reduce tension within the pelvis and surrounding tissues. Tension in these areas can have a direct impact on pull on the uterus, tailbone and other important structures involved in the birth process.

How does Chiropractic Help With Breech Babies?

Pregnancy chiropractors work with the pelvis and surrounding tissues, not by directly changing the baby's position! Prenatal chiropractors work with moms and their care team (OB, Midwife, etc.) to help guide them through their options, provide education on at-home care and other resources including:

  • Spinning Babies

  • At-home recommendations- such as movements, exercises and changing up seated postures

  • Acupuncturists and massage therapists trained in this area

  • Birth prep info

  • Reducing fear through education

Is Webster Technique Safe?

Webster technique concentrates on the pelvis and surrounding structures. The adjusting and soft tissue work is EXTREMELY gentle and is therefore incredibly safe. If baby is already in the correct position we will not change or “flip” them as we are only helping to create more space and symmetry within the pelvis, not flipping the child themselves.

Risks of Webster Technique

Again, Webster Technique is incredibly safe and the most common side-effect is slight muscle soreness from any of the light tissue work that is performed such as in the glutes. Dr. Dani does not perform high-force adjusting in the pelvis during pregnancy and leans more towards the side of gentle bodywork. Also to note, if baby is already in a great position, our work together will not change that! Our adjusting is directed towards pelvic symmetry, which allows for baby to move in a more balanced and optimal environment for proper positioning.

Dr. Dani using Webster technique on a pregnant woman's round ligaments

When to Start Webster Technique

Dr. Dani will begin using Webster Technique with every treatment at the beginning of pregnancy to help optimize space from the beginning. However, if a momma finds that her little is breech, it is best to begin Webster as soon as possible. The ideal time to begin Webster Technique during pregnancy is by 32 weeks. Dr. Dani has seen change through 37 weeks, but the rate of success does decrease at this time.

Webster Technique - What to Expect

Webster technique is used in addition to typical chiropractic adjustments and bodywork. Dr. Dani will perform a full assessment and determine what type of care is best. Pregnancy complications, hypermobility, adjusting preferences and more, all play a part in how you are treated. All bodies are different and this could not be more true during the pregnancy period. Dr. Dani takes the time to discuss Webster Technique, which areas are involved in treatment and how/why we will be treating each of those areas.
For an example of adjusting during early pregnancy, check out the video below!

How Often Should Webster Technique Be Done?

Dr. Dani incorporates Webster Technique into every pregnancy visit regardless of how far along momma is or baby’s current positioning status. However, once we are within the 32-36 week range, Dr. Dani typically recommends 2 visits a week until confirmation that we are in a good position!

How Long Does the Webster Technique Take to Work?

As always, the answer is- it depends. Most commonly, we should see a change within a few visits. However, there may be another cause for malposition that pregnancy chiropractic care cannot control or “fix”. Dr. Dani likes to also recommend other options such as acupuncture/moxibustion and Spinning Babies. These also significantly increase success rates!

Dr. Dani is incredible and so very thorough! Every time I walk out of an adjustment I wonder what took me so long to get in for an appointment. She is an expert in the changing needs of a pregnant and postpartum body and release work She is the best!

Is Webster Technique Only for Breech Babies?

Nope! Since Webster helps balance the pelvis, Dr. Dani utilizes a combination of bodywork, adjusting, exercises and Webster Technique throughout the entire pregnancy to help decrease discomfort and help optimize pelvic function.

Can the Webster Technique Induce Labor?

Ready for this answer? Potentially and No. If you’re body and baby are not prepared for birth, Webster will not induce labor. As much as some moms would love it, we are not tapping a magic button and starting the labor process! We are working with the pelvis to help decrease tension and optimize pelvic balance. That being said, if we are full-term, ready to go and the hold-up is baby positioning… then yes, POSSIBLY. You will NEVER hear Dr. Dani say that she can induce labor OR flip a baby. However, if an imbalance is restricting a little from engaging and we correct that imbalance, then it is feasible to say that it CAN help.

Webster Technique Near Me

If you are in the Denver Metro area- Washington Park (Wash Park), Platt Park, Cherry Creek, Highlands, Sloans Lake, etc. or within 30 minutes of the Downtown Denver Area, you are likely within my travel radius! Please feel free to reach out if you’re not sure!

Does Webster Technique Work?

Webster Technique has been shown to decrease labor times and help with proper baby positioning. This is achieved by providing space and reducing tension in surround areas and structures to allow baby to got head-down and engage. Research suggests an 80% success rate with Webster Technique.

Dr. Dani combines Webster Technique with additional analysis and treatment to:

-optimize pelvic and sacral positioning and musculoskeletal tension
-aid in more efficient contractions
-create a more balanced/symmetrical environment to allow for proper positioning of baby

“Compared to women who did not receive chiropractic care during their pregnancy…
First-time moms who received chiropractic care throughout pregnancy averaged a 25% shorter labor time.
Mothers who had already given birth and received chiropractic care throughout pregnancy experienced 31% shorter labor times.”

Check out these pages for more info!