Postpartum Chiropractic

Dr. Dani treating two babies with tongue tie

Postpartum chiropractic care is a safe and effective way to:

Dr. Dani has completed extensive training from the ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association) and received numerous certifications for prenatal and postpartum rehab. She has been helping to guide new moms for over 10 years and has an absolute love for treating Denver mommas! Postpartum chiropractic appointments are filled with gentle bodywork and adjusting when needed, but also with bits of information on small things mom can do at home to make life more comfortable as she heals and recovers while keeping a tiny human alive. Postpartum moms need a support system that truly cares about both them AND baby. Dr. Dani has both the qualifications and the passion to help both mom and baby through this period.

Dr. Dani adjusting a newborn on the floor

What Are the Benefits of Postpartum Care?

Bringing a human into the world changes a few things and postpartum chiropractors can help with many of the physical changes. There are a few aspects of being a new mom that can contribute to common postpartum aches and pains:

  • Low back and hip discomfort from birth, weak core and carrying

  • Mid back pain from hunching while feeding and carrying

  • Leaning over a crib/bassinet or being on the floor with your new tiny tot

  • Lack of sleep

  • Inability to move around freely immediately postpartum

  • Wrist & thumb pain from picking up and holding a newborn

Why See a Chiropractor Postpartum?

Pregnancy and childbirth can be both beautiful and difficult and it’s not uncommon to find the postpartum period a bit challenging. It is okay to reach out for help and find support. Postpartum chiropractic care is a safe and effective option for easing common aches and pains as moms adapt to their new roles as a caregiver to another human all while trying to heal themselves. Seeing a postpartum chiropractor can help ensure that everything is moving properly and functionally to help aid in a faster recovery.

Postpartum chiropractors can also offer guidance in return to exercise by assessing diastasis (and coordinating care with a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist) and providing basics on recovery such as tips on biomechanics and movement patterns to help support a healing core and pelvic floor.

Dr. Dani holding a newborn for a chiropractic adjustment


Can Chiropractic Help With Breastfeeding?

Postpartum Chiropractors can be GOLD when it comes to breastfeeding concerns. Dr. Dani works alongside IBLCs (Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultants) to address functional concerns. While breastfeeding is an innate skill for many, there can be contributing factors that make feeding difficult and frustrating. Pediatric chiropractic can reduce body tension from in-utero position, torticollis and tongue tie which are all factors that can contribute to an inefficient, sometimes even painful, latch. Chiropractic helps to gently address tension within the body. Thought the entire body is addressed, the neck, jaw and cranium are commonly treated to help promote optimal function and allow for deeper, more efficient latch. Dr. Dani offers complimentary consultations for moms with breastfeeding concerns so please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns!

What Does the Postpartum Chiropractic Adjustment Look Like?

Postpartum chiropractic begins with a history of your pregnancy (if you weren’t treated previously), birth story and a thorough assessment. Typically, the first few appointments consist of gentle bodywork and rehab education as the body recovers. We then progressively work back in to manual adjusting (“pops and clicks”). The postpartum period is a delicate balance between regaining stability and maintaining a functional level of mobility. Simply put, many mommas are already pretty flexy, so we’re typically trying to gain stability of those flexy areas while making sure we’re still mobile where it’s needed! This is where Dr. Dani’s background and training in postpartum rehab comes in handy!

Dr. Dani Carrying a newborn baby in a carrier

How Soon After Birth Can I See a Chiropractor?

Chiropractic is safe for both mom and baby immediately following birth. There is tremendous benefit to chiropractic in the postpartum phase and it is never too early to start, especially if there is discomfort. If there were any complications during pregnancy or postpartum, this will be discussed prior to any treatment and modifications to will be made to ensure the most effective, yet safe care is provided.

Can I Go to the Chiropractor After a C-Section?

Absolutely! The method by which your tiny human arrived on this earth doesn’t change your ability to access care. Dr. Dani will focus on gentle bodywork until we feel comfortable and confident with adding manual adjusting back in. When mom is healed and cleared, Dr. Dani covers C-Section scar care to ensure that the scar is nice and mobile!

Postpartum Chiropractor Near Me

If you are in the Denver Metro area- Washington Park (Wash Park), Platt Park, Cherry Creek, Highlands, Sloans Lake, etc. or within 30 minutes of the Downtown Denver Area, you are likely within the travel radius! Please feel free to reach out if you’re not sure!

Can My Baby and I Both Be Treated?

Yes. Yes. And yes. It is incredibly helpful to have both mom and baby treated. Receiving care together is absolutely magical for overall well being of a new family, especially if there are struggles with feeding, sleeping, etc. Dr. Dani has discounted pricing for families for this exact reason.

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